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About Us

Inspired by Dumbledores Army,(like the Harry Potter nerds Jack and Ally are) our goal is for the Aquinas Army to be a place where young adults can learn and practice their skills in apologetics. Apologetics is the discipline of defending and providing sound, reasonable arguments for the Church and her doctrines. The tradition of apologetics began in the very early church when many of the Church Fathers wrote long letters to their flock, giving sound arguments for the faith.

Each weekly meeting will be split into two sections: an initial explanation of Church Teaching and argument and small group sessions. In the small group sessions, we will discuss different objections people might have to church teaching and how we would defend the teaching

The Aquinas Army is not a lecture series or just another religious education class. While Jack and Ally will be leading the initial explanation of each weekly topic, we are not here to just talk at you. Our goal is for all of us to walk together in understanding the faith and how to present it to the world. Questions are encouraged! God gave us the wonderful gift of reason which begins with asking questions!



Theology Student @Franciscan University


Seminarian for 

Archdiocese of Baltimore


Director of College Ministry

Join the Army
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